Is it really possible to choose the most profitable forest management method?

Facts & Reviews

There has always been a long discussion around which management methods are most profitable for forestry. It seems that there is still no definitive answer.Results always depend on the characteristics of each forest compartment, and the particular needs of each forest owner. Hence, the diversity of each forest component is extremely complex and research can only provide us with a narrow picture of the real situation. 

As shown by a recent study by the Pellervo Economic Research Institute PTT in Finland, research cannot provide a definitive answer on which of the two methods (uneven-aged or even-aged forestry) is more profitable. The study evaluated several dozen existing studies on the topic. Results show that, taken as a whole, research does not necessarily favor one or the other of the methods.

The reasons for this may be found in the studies themselves.

Find out more in the article by Hannes Mäntyranta HERE